Saturday, March 28, 2009

Peach Pear melomel

My parents came to visit this weekend and I wanted to brew something quick and easy with Dad since he hasn't made a brew with me before. He's a big fan of the cyser I've made in the past so I thought I'd do a mead to show how easy it is to start one, plus I don't have a mead going currently. A general rule of thumb is always have at least one mead going (they take forever so why not?). I decided on a peach/pear/apple melomel.

15 lbs. honey
2 gallons apple cider
2 gallons peach puree
2 gallons pear puree
3 teaspoons pectic enzyme
Wyeast 4184 Sweet Mead

Smack yeast. Bring 2 gallons apple cider to boil, slowly stir in 15 pounds of honey to create must. Boil for 15 minutes, using metal strainer to pull out honey comb and other impurities. Drop the must to 70 degrees with cold bath, add 2 gallons peach puree, 2 gallons pear puree, 3 teaspoons pectic enzyme, and yeast. Store and rack as desired until mead reaches your preferred level of attenuation.

My carboy couldn't fit the volume of mead I had, so I poured the leftover must into some growlers. Notice the pectic enzyme floating on top of the puree in the carboy. The layer of pectic enzyme is slowly dropping to the bottom of the carboy as it extracts the juice from the pectin. The fact that I added the puree after the boil means the pectin was not damaged, so the enzyme will be able to get a good extraction of juice, resulting in a fragrant and strong finished product.